Monday, April 28, 2014

Block 1"Smarter Balance" TESTING
Block 2 Group
Class Break
Lunch Recess
Silent Reading & Sharing
Block 3 "Smarter Balance" TESTING
PE or ELA game

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Write Weds, Math Trekking, and more

Block 1 Science Star & Mult Review (4th Graders)
Block 2 The Writing Lab->Story Object
Class Break
Lunch Recess
Silent Reading & Sharing
Block 3 Science Star & Ms Jessica
Level Incentives

Block 1 Science Star & Mult Review (4th Graders)

Star testing went really well yesterday, I anticipate that we will likely finish today (maybe minus a couple that can continue in the class next door tomorrow).  The kids have been respectful and quiet.  YAY! WE will go to the adjacent soccer field or do something fun indoors as a reward.

Block 2 The Writing Lab->Story Object 

We will be walking to the weather field (if it's nice) and first doing and "object story write".  The students will select an object from the box/bag.  Then they will develop a story around this object, they could write in the perspective of the object (first person) or add a character and develop a interaction around the object.

This will be a first draft and completely rough, which will be edited and entered into EDmodo later this week.  :-) 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Quick Shares!

For All 5th Graders:

Science Star Testing...


For my two fourth graders...
Meets & Greets
   Morning Math
multiplication table, constructing one from scratch
   Literature: Rave-O
Class Break

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sugar conversion visual math

We have an awesome SSU observer who ran a really cool hands on lesson this morning;

THis morning we used our math time to figure out how many grams of sugar convert to teaspoons.  This forced us to use proportions, division, and overall critical thinking skills.

We found that for every teaspoon of sugar we have four grams.  

We discovered one of favorite students dessert (two cups of sunnyside select chocolate vanilla swiirl) is 17 teaspoons of sugar!!!

Monday, April 14, 2014


Weekly Topic: What are labels and why do we have them?-

Block 1 Morning Math "Smarter Balance" Whole word problems...
Block 2 Group
Class Break
Lunch Recess
Silent Reading & Sharing
Block 3 Literature, Whole Group
Level Incentives

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Some of our math work today.

And it shall be written on Wednesday!! Area Continued, Writing Reflections, OT Activities

And it shall be written on Wednesday!!

Block 1 Morning Math
Block 2 The Writing Lab
Class Break
Lunch Recess
Silent Reading & Sharing
Block 3 Active Stations
Level Incentives


Block 1 Morning Math:

Math groups, 
  1. video review of "area"
  2. practice of smarterbalance
  3. minecraft problems "perimeter and area"
  4. worksheets

Block 2 The Writing Lab:

 Start out with a video/discussion


Writing Lab Choices:

Reflect on the sugar video.  In detail and a full paragraph describe your reaction to the video and answer the following questions:

How did you feel about sugar before the videos?
How do you feel now?
Did this video change how you feel?  

Find a quote that strikes some sort of emotion in you.  Describe your connection to the words.  Describe what you think the quote means (in your own words).

Nature free write.
 Walk to the creek (with staff).  Here you will sit and free write and be inspired by your surroundings.  This writing should just be whatever is in your head and come onto the paper.  After 15-20 minutes of writing, you will come back to class and edit and create a smaller piece that was inspired by your free write.  It can be about how you felt with the writing, or you can create a poem from the words.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Simply put, 

Meets & greets
BLOCK 1 Morning Math->AREA/PERIMETER continued
(If time, Zumba?)
BLOCK 2  Literature
Class Break

Early Day!

BLOCK 1 Morning MAth

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why we write Wednesday... Heroes, Math, and more

Thee wonderful Wednesday!

Block 1 Morning Math (Area problems/Geometry introduction)
Introduce writing assignment
Block 2 The Writing Lab (Weekly Topic=Hero)
Class Break
Lunch Recess
Silent Reading & Sharing
Block 3 Stations
Level Incentives

"i find this curious - two photos from today, one edited so my skin is perfect and one real. remember flaws are ok :-)"

Block 1 Morning Math (Area problems/Geometry introduction)

Looking at math areas and the relationship 

Solve for 


Simple, writing about "Who is your hero?"

Reviewing the structure of a paragraph and elements in quality of writing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Exterminating negativity (at least minimizing!)

Among a class for students with emotional irregularities and behavioral difficulties, negativity can be a poisonous gas that leaks daily into the lives of the classroom inhabitants; exhausting teachers and draining students.  This makes it difficult to have ANY learning, as a neagtive environment blocks the desire to participate and much more!!

This solution struck me the other day.

The idea is to replace negative behavior with a positive.

My students get an immediate tally by a name initial for negative words, tones, and body language.  For this tally they owe a poster board 3 positive words.  Student's add to the same board and typically must get it done before a recess or class break (or any other desired time).  The negative cloud that felt so heavy has lifted and our negativity has minimized.  YAY for tiny successes!!



Meets & Greets
Bock 1) Math Group
Zumba Break (if we get all our math done!)
Block2) Literature
Class Break


Problem 1)

Jen measured the growth of a sunflower.

  • In week one, it grew 212 inches.
  • In week two, it grew 234 inches.
  • In week three, it grew 314 inches.

How much did the sunflower grow in the three weeks?

For more information and "sample problems" go to the following website:


Rave-O will rave on!

In reading groups, 1&2, after reading, they will look at the "cycle of the hero" and discuss if it applies to the characters in the book being read.  Teachers will lead questions,
  • Where is the hero at in their journey? 
  • Do we know who the hero is?  
  • Are they in their ordinary world or special world?