Thursday, February 26, 2015

MAth, lit, & DANCE IS BACK!!

8:45 Student Arrival

Morning Meets, 2 Laps/Stretches, wake up
8:50AM Mini Warm-Up Activity ->
9:15AM BLOCK 1  Math groups

10:15-10:30 Morning Recess

BLOCK 2 Literature Groups

11:10 CB (Social Skills Practice)
11:40 Lunch Break

12:50 Silent Reading & sharing
1:40 Level Rewards

Thursday, February 26,  2015


Group B
Objective: To continue to practice the strategy CUBES on word problems.  This second group will have more difficult word problems.

Activity: First students will do a word sort to assess if they remember the action words in math.  Next, Students will attempt to solve word problems by showing the CUBES strategy

Assess: Work Product

Group A

Objective: To practice solving word problems on khan OR some will be working on Subtraction with re-grouping

Activity: Students will engage in the khan format and watch a short learning/visual video and then practice.

Assess:  Recorded progress/practice answers 

                     BLOCK 2 Literature Groups                              

(3 Groups)

Group 1 (younger grades, learning word levels)

This group is working on punctuation activities (more info to come).

Group 2 and 3

In separate groups students will do partner pair share reading.  
WE will regroup and look at an article from the news paper related to the reading.  We will analyze and summarize the article


Wednesday, February 25, 2015



8:45 Student Arrival

Morning Meets, Laps/Stretches

8:50AM Mini Warm-Up Activity -> 
9:00AM BLOCK 1  Counseling Groups & Small group work (superflex)
10:00 Snack/Recess  
10:30 BLOCK 2 APE
11:10 CB (Social Skills Practice)
11:40 Lunch Break
12:50 Silent Reading & sharing

BLOCK 3 Science/ART
1:40 Level Rewards

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

BLOCK 1  Counseling Groups & Small group work (superflex)
10:00 Snack/Recess  


The Superflex Comic Book

The package includes the colorfully illustrated 21-page storybook, Superflex Takes on Rock Brain and the Team of Unthinkables. This book tells the story of how Superflex came to be. The children will enter Superflex's town, Social Town, and learn about the cast of Unthinkables who are trying to overtake and rid the town of Superflex forever. Superflex and his sidekick dog, Bark, go on their first mission to try to save the citizens of Social Town. Depicting behaviors as comic book characters helps to remove blocks to the student's awareness of the behaviors, while the superhero Superflex helps build the thinking required to regulate those behaviors.

Objective:  Students will participate and be introduced to the whole town of super flex!  The each will pick an "unthinkable" character to defeat and work on.  Once they pick it out, they will track it for BLOCK 3 for a potential prize!!

Activity:  The first series book will be partially read.  The students will take turns reading descriptions of the characters.  The teacher will choose one that she needs to work on (modeling) and each student will do the same.    They will talk about strategies to defeat the unthinkable.  With a monitoring sheet, they will practice strategies later on.
Assess: Practice of defeat in Block 3!


(WHOLE CLASS)  Students are engaged in team work, gross motor activities.  Not only do we have a fabulous PE teacher that donates her time, but we really work on class community, communication, and stay healthy!!

Block 3: ART

Objective: Practice fine motor skills through creating a collage of a volcano

Activity: Using small cut up magazine pieces, glue and creativity students will make a piece of art of a volcano (our class theme).  

Asses: We have started to learn about volcanos and students can include some of the aspects that we have learned about into their art piece.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015



 8:45 Student Arrival

Morning Meets, 2 Laps, Stretches
8:50AM Mini Warm-Up Activity ->
9:15AM BLOCK 1  Math Groups (A+B)
10:00AM Snack
10:15-10:30 Morning Recess 

BLOCK 2 English Language Arts, 2 Groups
11:10 CB (Social Skills Practice)
11:40 Lunch Break
12:50 Silent Reading & sharing
BLOCK 3 Occupational Therapy Centers (Gross/Fine Motors)
1:40 Level Rewards (Behavioral reward incentive)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

9:15AM BLOCK 1  Math Groups (A+B)

Group A:


Objective:  Using CUBES strategy students will practice on simple word problems (remember they are learning how to solve word problems, so the emphasis is them gaining an understanding for the process.

Activity:  First, students will review the action words used in word problems.  Next, Students will go throught the cubes process, guided by an instructor (i.e., first, circle the numbers, then underline the question, etc).  They will complete 25 minutes worth of problems.  Then they will return to a word sort that addresses words used in problems,   

Asses:  Word problem word, observation, and word sort assessment.

Group B: REVIEWING subtraction with regrouping

BLOCK 2 English Language Arts, 2 Groups

Group 1


*>Today will be a condensed reading day, with discussion (activity to follow on Thursday)

Group 2

Ms Mercedes (student teacher) will be leading a lesson (details to follow)


Monday, February 23, 2015


Morning Meets, Greets
8:50AM Mini Warm-Up Activity ->
9:15AM BLOCK 1  Common Core Word Problem Solving (Grade LEVEL groups)
10:00AM Recess
10:15-10:30 Morning RecessBLOCK 2 Library/Computer LAB
11:10 CB (Social Skills Practice)
11:40 Lunch Break
12:50 Silent Reading & sharing

BLOCK 3 Educational Video
1:40 Level Rewards

Monday, February 23, 2015



Introducing WORD PROBLEMS!!! 


Block 2 LIbrary/Computer LAB

Objective: Student will gain typing skills and explore Spelling City

Activity:  20 minutes typing/15 minutes spelling city

Assess: STudent work/progress/observation




Follow along as scientists probe the world's most powerful volcanoes, including the supervolcano that slumbers beneath Yellowstone National Park.

(book read)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Meeting and Charting

8:45 Student Arrival

Morning Meets, 2 laps, 2 stretches
9:00AM BLOCK 1  Class Meeting/Check-in

9:30 Morning Activity
10:15-10:30 Snack/Recess

10:30 BLOCK 2
Charting our Tanagrams (math)

11:30CB (Social Skills Practice)
12:00 Lunch Break
12:50 Silent Reading & sharing

BLOCK 3  Fun Friday (Behavior Incentive!!:-)

Friday, February 20, 2015


9:00AM BLOCK 1  Class Meeting/Check-in
  1. Behavior Donuts (1 positive, 1 area of improvement)
  2. Level Expectations (read)
  3. Feedback to others or class Positive Statements and (I statements chart) 
  4. Any business?

BLOCK 2  Chart/Graph for our Tanagram Creations

Objective: Students will learn how to turn a class project into a math chart (data collection, tracking, real life problems)

Activity:  First, students will independently count their tanagrams.  As a whole class and using our tanagram project, we will take turns tracking our data.  We will see how many tanagram puzzles each student created and will collect the information to create a bar graph/visual. 

Assess: Observation of engagment.  Qiuck questioning.  How many....

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Chinese New YEAR!!!

Thursday, Student Teacher take over

8:45 Student Arrival

Morning Meets, 2 Laps/Stretches, wake up
8:50AM Mini Warm-Up Activity -> Finish Chinese New Year Masks
9:10AM BLOCK 1  CNY Assembly with FACS

10:15-10:30 Morning Recess

BLOCK 2 Groups; Chinese New Year Literature/Share

11:10 CB (Social Skills Practice)
11:40 Lunch Break

12:50 Silent Reading & sharing
BLOCK 3 Tanagram Puzzles
1:40 Level Rewards

Thursday, February 19, 2015

9:10AM BLOCK 1  CNY Assembly with FACS

Students will decorate their masks and join the school in experiencing a Chinese New Year Dragon Dance.

BLOCK 2 Groups; Chinese New Year Literature/Share

Objective:  Students will gain an understanding of Chinese New Years, work collaboratively, pick out facts to share.

Activity:  In groups of 3 and a staff, students will read a non-fiction literature book about CNY.  As a group they will record facts in cultural categories (food, traditions, celebrations, other facts).  One student will record, or they take turns recording depending on group.  When the groups are finished, we will reconvene and each group will share something they found out.

Assess: Student presentation of knowledge (sharing)

BLOCK 3 Tanagram Puzzles

Objective:  Students will explore the art of tanagram puzzles in connection to Chinese New Year (art, fine motor, social studies, etc.).

Activity:  Using the grid above, students will create and check off as many designs as possible.  When the student has done a design, they will raise their hand and a photo will be taken.  We will chart how many we made as a collective.

Assess: Student product, chart and observation.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, CCSS practice math, Proofreading, OT centers


 8:45 Student Arrival

Morning Meets, 2 Laps, Stretches
8:50AM Mini Warm-Up Activity ->
9:15AM BLOCK 1  Math Groups (A+B)
10:00AM Snack
10:15-10:30 Morning Recess 

BLOCK 2 English Language Arts, 2 Groups
11:10 CB (Social Skills Practice)
11:40 Lunch Break
12:50 Silent Reading & sharing
BLOCK 3 Occupational Therapy Centers (Gross/Fine Motors)
1:40 Level Rewards (Behavioral reward incentive)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Your perspective is the way you see something. 

If you think that toys corrupt children's minds, then from your perspective a toy shop is an evil place.

Perspective has a Latin root meaning "look through" or "perceive," and all the meanings of perspective have something to do with looking

If you observe the world from a dog's perspective, you see through the dog's eyes. In drawing, perspective gives your drawing the appearance of depth or distance. If we say someone "has perspective," we mean she has a sensible outlook on life (able to look at thing in many ways).

9:15AM BLOCK 1  Math Groups (A+B) 
 Group A
Objective:  Students will be "exposed" to multi-step common core word problems.  With teacher guidance they will begin to gain a basic understanding of how to answer multiple questions related to one problem.

Sample ?:
Tracy  paints  3  painting  per  day  on  Monday, Tuesday,  and  Wednesday.  She  paints  5  paintings per  day  on  Thursday,  Friday,  and  Saturday.  Tracy  wants  to  have  a  total  of  30  paintings  done  in  a  week.  How  many  paintings  must  Tracy  paint  on  Sunday  to  have  30  total  paintiings?

Students will walk through the problem and create a visual to go with them.

Asess:  Work samples, student engagement.

Group B: khanacademy progress...

    BLOCK 2 English Language Arts, Whole Groups

Objective:  To reinforce the purpose of proofreading.
Activity: Watch a short clip and a brainpop video on proofreading/writing process
Assess: After video quiz


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday, Student Teacher take over

8:45 Student Arrival

Morning Meets, 2 Laps/Stretches, wake up
8:50AM Mini Warm-Up Activity ->

10:15-10:30 Morning Recess

BLOCK 2 Literature Groups

11:10 CB (Social Skills Practice)
11:40 Lunch Break

12:50 Silent Reading & sharing
1:40 Level Rewards

Thursday, February 12, 2015


1)Independent AD
1)Times TAble AS

BLOCK 2 Literature

Objective: Students will read and discuss literature & students will be introduced and gain a simple understanding of proof reading.

PART 1) Read for 15 minutes in separate groups.  Come together, have a verbal discussion of what happened.  Encourage kids to site details.  Express favorite part.

PART 2) USing an example minecraft sentence and the proofreading marks.  Students will, with teacher edit the sentence(S)

Asess:  Work samples, observation

1:15PM BLOCK 3  Social skills

 Students will engage with the book "braineater" and have discussions about how he takes over the brain and how to defeat him...