Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Before Vacation

Morning Meets & greets
NEWS REPORTS!!  Read the story and Share...
Preview Reader's Theatre and discuss B, M, & E
ELA game, Would you rather?
Snack Recess
Theatre (Short reader's theatre Script)
Silent Reading & Sharing
Fun Friday, Holiday Style



The tallest snowman ever built was in Bethel, Maine in 2008 and measured 122 feet and 1 inch!




Reader's Theatre Info:

Today in drama, it will be different.  We will be looking at a few scripts first, to demonstrate a beginning, middle, and end in a story.  The students have struggled in the past with this concept.  Their improve starts well and then drifts off.  This concept will also translate into story making and the Common Core English Language Arts standards. 

(Scripts we're looking at)


Thursday, December 19, 2013


*Due to the energy of the holidays, this week has been kept simple and attainable.  The schedule and blog reflects that.

Morning Meets & Greets
Close Reading/Read Aloud of Roald Dahl
Final Lab of the Week (Make up work/finalize Narratives, Card making, Book Choice, Etc)
Class Break
Silent Reading
Math Word Problems Review continued
Word Games (Holiday Style)
Level Rewards/Class Break


More than 1.8 billion candy canes will be made for the winter holiday season.





Videos the students are sharing...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Writing Wednesday

Morning Meets & Greets


Narrative (labs continue)
Gift Making

Class Break

Silent Reading & Sharing

Occutpational Therapy Activity (Reindeer Pancakes)
Some reindeer games


  A number of winter sports rely on snow, including skiing and snowboarding.





Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuedays, holidays around the world, narratives continued, science experiment follow-up

Simple schedule:

Morning meetings & greetings
Holiday Mad Libs
Narrative Stations


Quick Science
Narrative Stations Continued (typing or illustrating)


Snow forms when water vapor in the atmosphere freezes into ice crystals.



City council workers install Christmas lights in Africa Unity square, Harare, Nov. 29. Harare City Council has begun installing Christmas decorations across the city as part of the upcoming festive season. (Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi/Associated Press) #


Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, Conclusions, Group, Math as a Whole Class

Good Morning!

Finish Narrative Conclusions
Some to Library, Introduce New Project
Group with Tana (Therapy/Social Skills)

Class Break

Silent Reading & Sharing



The first Christmas was celebrated on December 25, AD 336 in Rome.



Image(s) [From my traveling weekend]:


Video (courtesy of a student):


Friday, December 13, 2013

Fun Friday!!!

Morning Shinanigans
Conclusions to Narratives (together)
Class Break
Lunch/Recess (Cole has to leave at this point)
SSR & Sharing
Fun Friday


Sentence of the day (Dahl Factoid Continued):

Roald Dahl always wrote in pencil on yellow paper.

Quote of the day:


 Images of the day: 


Video of the day (courtesy of a student):



Go through each one together. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, fractions/number values, narratives continued, BLOG assignment, Art

The schedule in a simple way:
Morning Meets & Greets
Check in on our Science experiment
Lab Continued (Blog assignment and typing narratives)
MATH (2 groups)
Class Break
Silent Reading & Sharing
Literature 15minutes
ART :-)
Level Rewards

Morning Meets & Greets


Sentence of the day:

Roald Dahl loved chocolate, but not chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream.


Image of the day (another portrait):


Video of the day (courtesy of a student) :



  1. Blog Assignment
  2. Typing Narratives
  3. Spelling City/Edmodo



Group 1  Number Comparison Game:

Group 2 Fraction Game
 Equivalent Fractions Activity

By Roger Rooke
Age Range: 7 to 11
This is a problem solving activity which stimulates thinking around equivalent fractions.
It has a "fun" element to it and it links to the subject of Sports Statistics e.g. "How does Ron Manager decide who are the best penalty kickers in his football team?"
  1. Set up a small group target game for 3 or 4 pupils. This could be tossing a ball or a bean bag into a classroom waste paper bin from a set distance.
  2. Give each pupil in the group a try at the target game BUT restrict/define how many attempts they can have e.g. (Sabina - 2 attempts, Shila - 4 attempts, Irshad - 8 attempts)
  3. Record the successes on a chart e.g. (Sabina - 1/2 (1 on target, out of two attempts)  Shila - 3/4 (3 on target, out of four attempt)  Irshad - 5/8)
  4. Pose the question - "Who was the best at this game?" - pupils discuss in pairs and explain their reasoning.
  5. A fraction chart on the EWB will help to model the cognitive thinking.
 Note - The highest number of attempts can be varied to 10, 12, 15, 16, 20 etc depending on the stage the children are at.
Older pupils might like to research the success rate of penalty kickers at their favourite football club and compare their findings.



We will create book covers for our personal narratives.

First, look at some covers:


Come up with a title and design first. A quick sketch of your idea.

Can be collage, pencil drawing, anime, portrait, marker, words, etc...


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Writing Wednesday. Intro to editing, Dahl reading continued, science experiment continued, OT Activity

The schedule in simple terms:

Morning Meets & Greets (sentence, quote, image, video)
Spelling city rotation...
What's a conclusion and what's editing?
Snack Recess
The Lab: Reading Group with dictation of narrative, narrative make up group & Conclusions
Class Break
Lunch Recess
Silent Reading & Sharing
Ms Jessica writing activity


Sentence of the day:

Roald Dahl had two steel hips and six operations on his spine.


Quote of the day:


Image (portrait) of the day:


Video of the day:


Spelling city rotation...
What's a conclusion and what's editing?  ->Write Ahead Text

We will discuss the process of editing, show examples of conclusions, and go over some "editing symbols".  Talk about why it's important to complete and edit a project...  Relate to art.



  1. Re-read Chapter 3 of Roald Dahl's BIO.  Dictate another story. (B3)
  2. MAKE-UP Grou, typing work to be made up (B3, Intro)
  3. Conclusion Group & typing B3

Silent Reading & Sharing


Science, Let's make our predictions and get to it!!!

Occupational Therapist-> Writing activity, Group work

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

TUESDAY, Close Reading (Dahl) & Scientific Method: Chem REACTIONS

The schedule simply put:
  • Morning Meets & Greets (Sentence, Quotes, & Image) 
  • Close Reading Of Roald Dahl, (including annotation)
  • Snack/Recess
  • Science!!
  • Bill Nye to introduce chemical reactions
  • Set-up predictions & experiment
  • Class Break

Sentence of the Day:

Roald Dahl was a Hurricane fighter pilot during World War II.


Quote of the Day:


Image of the Day:

For more information:

  1. Quick Research of a Cathedral School
  2. R1 Together
  3. R2 Partners, annotations.  Students need to circle 5 words they don't understand and underline 3 main points.
  4. R3 Together Again, discuss our findings



Introducing Chemical Reactions for experiment

Set-up our predictions & experiment

Gummy Science!! 

Discuss our elements (H2o, Salt, Vinegar, Baking Soda)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, Quotes, Social Skills, Number Lines, & Factoring

Morning Greets
Library--> Quote assignment
Group with Tana (Social Skills/Superflex)
Class Break (based in participation)
Silent Reading & Sharing
Math 4th grade-number lines
          5th grade fractions and factors
Level Rewards


Sentence for the day (Dahl factoid):

 Roald Dahl didn't start writing children's books until he had children of his own.


 Quote of the day:

:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P  :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

:-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  :-O  


Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy Friday

Friday is simple.....

Share our news stories
Blog & Edmodo assignment...
Class Break
Fun Friday :-)))))))))

Sentence of the day (also a quote)

It always seems impossible until it is done.

Quote/Poem of the day

 Image of the day 

Video of the day

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Why Blog?? PRESENTING for the SSU Tech Showcase

Blogging for Students

Basic Format (user-friendly)
Lets doors open to collaborate with other students, get feedback.
Online (always accessible)
Giddy students (Active Engagement)
So many possibilities...

Why use blogging in the classroom?

Basic Format (user-friendly)
  • The format of blogging is simple and oh so organized! 
  • No matter what site you utilize for blogging, the same basic components are there.   
  • Through the simple format students can still personalize if they have individual blogs.
  • Can upload (integrate) images and videos
  • Insert links for a convenient place to access curriculum
  • automatically connects you to sources via the internet
  • Chronological
  • Subject orientated


Lets doors open to collaborate with other students, get feedback.

  • Blogging can allow students to interact with other classrooms (campus, locally, nationally, & globally)
  • Students can get feedback from other students & the teacher easily (this can be set up to be approved prior to publishing).
  • You can invite professionals to leave comments (for example; my students had an art blog and a group of artists gave feedback to them).
  • Comments are the most exciting component for my students in 4th and 5th grade!
  • Publishing and collaborating pushes students to think about what they're talking about. Participatory culture.


 Online (always accessible)

  • Students can access blog from home (i.e., class blog, other student blogs)
  • Parents can view blogs, check out curriculum links, watch videos with their child.
  • Teachers can use any computer, phone, tablet, etc to work on blogs, leave feedback, etc.  Blogger has an "app".


This is the best part!!
Giddy students (Active Engagement)

  • Students love blogging!
  • In my research project, I worked with students who present with super high anxiety to write even a sentence, they were begging me to do their blogs.
  • Start with exploration to open the door.
  • FOCUSING on the public/publishing element is a motivator for students.
  • Blogging builds a writing connection.


So many possibilities...

  • Any SUBJECT can be a focus of a blog...
  • Art Blogs (publish, critique, and reflect)
  • Literature Blogs
  • Altering perspectives (being a character on a blog)
  • Class Newsletter blog (collaborating as a class)
  • Homework blogs
  • Teacher centered blog (updated information) or as a tool for lesson planning, daily schedules
  • Portfolio blogs (showcasing readiness, form of presentation)
  •  Study of other blogs 

The emphasis on collaboration, creativity, and publishing all connect to students of the contemporary society and embraces the qualities of participatory culture.  This in turn sets up the classroom conversation to include elements critical to the modern student (i.e., online safety, what publishing means and the imprint of that, projecting oneself, etc.).

The organization and functionality of blogs tune into simplicity but still is a vehicle for creativity of writing and personalization.


 Blogs provide a place to be reflective while also being recorded into a virtual space making the teachers life that much easier.


Useful links/tools

(my class schedule blog)

Blogger via google, connects to your google drive 

(I use this to pin my images I want to add to my class daily blog)

Some other blog sites:

My student art blogs: