Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Writing Wednesday. Intro to editing, Dahl reading continued, science experiment continued, OT Activity

The schedule in simple terms:

Morning Meets & Greets (sentence, quote, image, video)
Spelling city rotation...
What's a conclusion and what's editing?
Snack Recess
The Lab: Reading Group with dictation of narrative, narrative make up group & Conclusions
Class Break
Lunch Recess
Silent Reading & Sharing
Ms Jessica writing activity


Sentence of the day:

Roald Dahl had two steel hips and six operations on his spine.


Quote of the day:


Image (portrait) of the day:


Video of the day:


Spelling city rotation...
What's a conclusion and what's editing?  ->Write Ahead Text

We will discuss the process of editing, show examples of conclusions, and go over some "editing symbols".  Talk about why it's important to complete and edit a project...  Relate to art.



  1. Re-read Chapter 3 of Roald Dahl's BIO.  Dictate another story. (B3)
  2. MAKE-UP Grou, typing work to be made up (B3, Intro)
  3. Conclusion Group & typing B3

Silent Reading & Sharing


Science, Let's make our predictions and get to it!!!

Occupational Therapist-> Writing activity, Group work

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