Morning Meets, Greets, & Light Snack
8:50AM Mini Warm-Up Activity
9:15AM BLOCK 1 Morning Math PLACE VALUE Continued
PE Break (Dragon's Lair)?
10:15-10:30 Morning Recess
BLOCK 2 Storybird (Student Practice)
11:10 CB (Social Skills Practice)
11:40 Lunch Break
12:50 Silent Reading & sharing
BLOCK 3 Science Draco, the flying lizard!
9:15AM BLOCK 1 Morning Math PLACE VALUE Continued
Finish the video series together (khanacademy)
Place value dice game!!!
BLOCK 2 Storybird (Student Practice)
Yesterday I explored some examples with them, today they will try it on their own!
BLOCK 3 Science Draco, the flying lizard!
We will watch a short video that describes the (gliding) flying lizard and then do the following experiment together:
Glide like a draco
The draco lizard is able to glide from tree to tree using special ‘wings’ that evolved out of it’s ribs. These ‘wings’ are pieces of skin and rib that can be spread out on each side. As the draco takes off from it’s perch, it spreads out the wings and uses them to glide to another tree sometimes up to 200 feet away!
Your child can explore the science of gliding with a simple paper airplane experiment.
What you need:
- Recycled copy paper to make planes
- A long tape measure
- A piece of paper and pencil to record results
What to do:
- Be sure to make space in the room you are in.
- Lay out the measuring tape.
- Try making different types of paper airplanes with your child. Encourage them to experiment with known designs and to invent their own! You can download instructions to different styles of paper airplanes here.
- Number each plane and make a list of the numbers so your child can keep track of how well each plane glided.
- You and your child can turns gliding the planes and recording how far they flew using the tape measure. If child experiments with modifying the planes as they go, make sure they record the modifications and the results so they can look back and compare the changed design to the original.
- At the end look at the design of the winning plane and the losing plane. Which plane stayed in the air for the shortest time and why? Ask your child why they think the winning plane to stay stayed in the air for such a long time and was able to glide as far as it did.
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