8:50AM Morning Work Activity -> Writing Prompt
9:15AM BLOCK 1 Quick Math Assessment; then sharing
10:00AM Recess
10:15-10:30 Morning Recess
BLOCK 2 Library/Computer LAB
11:10 CB (Social Skills Practice)
11:40 Lunch Break
12:50 Silent Reading & sharing
BLOCK 3 Culture Presentation: Mexico
1:40 Level Rewards
Monday, March 30, 2015

Writing Prompt:
you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go, what country,
state, or city? You can look at a map if
you need to. Also, write why you are interested in going there.
If I could travel to any country I would go to Chile. I have had an interest in Chile since I read a literature book that talked about it. The history and landscape sounds exciting. I would take my family and write as I traveled. I also don't know a lot about it so it would be new and fresh for me.
9:15AM BLOCK 1 Quick Math Assessment; then sharing
Students will attempt a quick math word problem, we will be working on these to prep for the SBAC, the test which will be coming for 3rd grade and up. Then we will take time to let the students share their week off and writing prompts.
BLOCK 2 Library/Computer LAB
Typing Practice; we will also type our writing prompts onto Edmodo.
Spelling City Games (spelling/vocabulary)
BLOCK 3: Culture Presentation
Ms. Cole will introduce the concept of culture (vocabulary) and then will present on her trip to Mexico
What is culture?
culture definition. The sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Culture is transmitted, through language, material objects, ritual, institutions, and art, from one generation to the next.
Some Elements to Culture, way of looking at "culture":
- Religon The worship of a god, gods or spirits.
Goverment organization set up to make and enforce rules for a society
Art the products of human creativity
Language the mental faculty or power of vocal communication
The 3 Forms Of Language written/drawn, verbal(sounds) ands gestures
History the discipline that records and interprets past events involving human beings
Social Groups groups that consist of two or more people who interact with one another and share a common identity
Daily Life what people do every day
Economy frugality in the expenditure of money or resources
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