Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Half Day Tuesday!

Sentence of the Day:

The New York Yankees have won 26 Word Series titles, which is more than any other team.

Social Studies... Musical Instruments

Textbook and Ed.Ted.com:


Both music and verbal languages serve what purpose, according to Wooten?

How did you learn the first language you spoke? Were you allowed to make mistakes? How do you think those mistakes helped you learn the language? How do you think that relates to learning to play a musical instrument?

In some instances, music works better than the spoken word. Why?

Should beginning musicians play with accomplished musicians? Why? How often should it happen? Who are some of your musical idols? Do you think they improve when they play with other musicians?

According to Wooten, when we are learning to speak, what best describes the majority of people we speak to?

Wooten says that beginning musicians should play more than they practice. Do you agree? Why or why not?

When you are first learning music, you should embrace mistakes instead of correcting them.

What does Wooten say about following a strict regiment under the tutelage of a skilled teacher? 

RECORD Answers


Science Observation, Breif Introduction, then Science Walk
& Music Jam...

 What do you see, smell, hear, touch (if safety approved)?...

Class Break 

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