Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, fractions/number values, narratives continued, BLOG assignment, Art

The schedule in a simple way:
Morning Meets & Greets
Check in on our Science experiment
Lab Continued (Blog assignment and typing narratives)
MATH (2 groups)
Class Break
Silent Reading & Sharing
Literature 15minutes
ART :-)
Level Rewards

Morning Meets & Greets


Sentence of the day:

Roald Dahl loved chocolate, but not chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream.


Image of the day (another portrait):


Video of the day (courtesy of a student) :



  1. Blog Assignment
  2. Typing Narratives
  3. Spelling City/Edmodo



Group 1  Number Comparison Game:

Group 2 Fraction Game
 Equivalent Fractions Activity

By Roger Rooke
Age Range: 7 to 11
This is a problem solving activity which stimulates thinking around equivalent fractions.
It has a "fun" element to it and it links to the subject of Sports Statistics e.g. "How does Ron Manager decide who are the best penalty kickers in his football team?"
  1. Set up a small group target game for 3 or 4 pupils. This could be tossing a ball or a bean bag into a classroom waste paper bin from a set distance.
  2. Give each pupil in the group a try at the target game BUT restrict/define how many attempts they can have e.g. (Sabina - 2 attempts, Shila - 4 attempts, Irshad - 8 attempts)
  3. Record the successes on a chart e.g. (Sabina - 1/2 (1 on target, out of two attempts)  Shila - 3/4 (3 on target, out of four attempt)  Irshad - 5/8)
  4. Pose the question - "Who was the best at this game?" - pupils discuss in pairs and explain their reasoning.
  5. A fraction chart on the EWB will help to model the cognitive thinking.
 Note - The highest number of attempts can be varied to 10, 12, 15, 16, 20 etc depending on the stage the children are at.
Older pupils might like to research the success rate of penalty kickers at their favourite football club and compare their findings.



We will create book covers for our personal narratives.

First, look at some covers:


Come up with a title and design first. A quick sketch of your idea.

Can be collage, pencil drawing, anime, portrait, marker, words, etc...


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