Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Exterminating negativity (at least minimizing!)

Among a class for students with emotional irregularities and behavioral difficulties, negativity can be a poisonous gas that leaks daily into the lives of the classroom inhabitants; exhausting teachers and draining students.  This makes it difficult to have ANY learning, as a neagtive environment blocks the desire to participate and much more!!

This solution struck me the other day.

The idea is to replace negative behavior with a positive.

My students get an immediate tally by a name initial for negative words, tones, and body language.  For this tally they owe a poster board 3 positive words.  Student's add to the same board and typically must get it done before a recess or class break (or any other desired time).  The negative cloud that felt so heavy has lifted and our negativity has minimized.  YAY for tiny successes!!

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